HTML Entities

HTML Entities 

some characters are mix with HTML tags or not in your keyboard.
that characters are reserved as HTML Entities.

Like "<" or ">" signs in your text, the browser might mix them with tags.

HTML Entities start with "&" + entities_name + ";".
"&nbsp;" is one of common HTML Entities.this use for Non-breaking Space.

Useful HTML Character Entities
Name Number View in Browser Description
& nbsp; & #160; non-breaking space
&lt; &#60; < less than
&gt; &#62; > greater than
&amp; &#38; & ampersand
&quot; &#34; " double quotation mark
&apos; &#39; ' single quotation mark (apostrophe)
&cent; &#162; ¢ cent
&pound; &#163; £ pound
&yen; &#165; ¥ yen
&euro; &#8364; euro
&copy; &#169; © copyright
&reg; &#174; ® registered trademark
